Thursday, January 14, 2010

Better Late then Never

Better late then never, right. This is pictures of our Halloween party. We had a backdrop set up for people to take their pictures and here are a few of our family. Cassidy was such a bear that night so I left early to take her home and we never got to get a picture of all three of us together.
I was Fiona from Shrek which was very fitting since I was pregnant and David was a construction worker. He loves that silly wig and it totally scares Cassidy. He is wearing his shirt from when he was on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. We had tons of fun.

I had our second ultrasound a few weeks ago and my placenta has moved up so no plans for a C-section at this time. YEAH!!!!!! The baby is still growing really well and getting really big. She weighed 4lbs 7 oz and I was 32 weeks along. Cassidy only weighed 5lbs 2oz at birth so that explains why I feel so big. I don't really know what it is like to have a normal weight baby. I guess I will soon.
On Tuesday of this week I was sitting in a class for work and nearly passed out. I called my doctors office and they got me in right away. My blood pressure was through the roof and the was doing okay on the non-stress test but wasn't doing as well and they wanted. So I was put on bed rest. Today I had another appointment to see how things were going and my blood pressure was down and they baby was reacting better on the non-stress test. So I am still on complete bed rest until Monday and we'll see how things are going at that time. When we went for the appointment today we had bags packed and car seat in the car just in case he sent me to the hospital. We were a little disappointed that we didn't get to have a baby today but it is what is better for her so it will be fine. When the time is right we will have a healthy baby.
I am bored to death so if anyone wants to call and tell me exciting stories about their life, so I can live vicariously that would be fun. Movie suggestions and other entertainment ideas are really appreciated.
Speaking of movies David and I went to two movies recently and they were so good. We saw Invictus and Blind Side. I totally recommend them. I thought Blind Side would be a movie that made me cry but only at the very end. It really was a good show.
My job at the Home Health agency has ended. It was such a great job but the company has decided to quit the foot care program. So I am just working at the hospital now. I really like my job and I am so grateful that I am able to enjoy what I do so much.
David has started his last semester of school. YEAH!!!!!!!! Only 14 weeks left and a huge graduation party. Cassidy really got used to him not doing homework over Christmas break and she is having a hard time with him not being as available for them to be able to play. He is still working at UPS in the mornings. During the month of December he was really busy at UPS but this week things slowed down and he has only worked one day. UPS is a union company so being at the bottom of the seniority list he doesn't get to work as often. Which is really okay since school needs to be his main focus. He has to be an employee for 18 months before we get their insurance so if he works or not we are at least putting in time for the 18 months.
Well, our next post should have pics of a new baby.

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